I always stand up for what I believe in and what is right even if it means standing alone...In life standing up for your rights is never easy but it is very important to embark on this Long and difficult path to enforce and protect your individual and consumer rights.We all must be aware of our rights.In exercising our rights are we truly free individuals.

I have won many long customer battles against Banks,Phone Companies, Airlines, Electronics Companies etc. I have devoted time and energy to demand positive resolutions for myself and people around me. I hate it when one is denied what every customer has a right to...and that is when I find it important to address it and complain about it. I know it takes time to escalate matters but somehow I prefer to address it no matter what. Having lived in America for sometime, I give a lot of importance to Individual Rights.

It is my nephew who inspired me to write this blog. He felt the importance of his rights and the need to address this subject in a blog very early in age when he was unhappy with the services of a certain Airline. It was then that he suggested that I should write a blog concerning such matters too.

Everyone has certain rights but we are usually not informed about them or do not exercise them. We have a right to be heard...and we must never forget that. There is One Right for All and None should be discriminated. One has the right to question and a right to information. With growing middle class touch 400 million and consumerism, Indian Companies need to become responsive to Consumer complaints and grievances. Ignoring such complaints could lead to big financial losses for the company on consumer complaints being upheld by Consumer Courts.

In this blog, I would like us to share our knowledge about how best to address our complaints effectively as a customer or consumer. It is also important to inform people about the poor customer services provided by reputed brand names. But I would also like to hi-light the names of companies and brands who have co-operated with customers and given positive responses. Please do share your experiences too.

You do not win every battle in life but you learn lessons from it and hopefully live to win it some day. Through this blog ,I would like to inspire people to stand up for their rights and if needed fight for it but the fight for your rights has to be fair and honest. I aim to create a direction and awareness for people who are not given their due rights as an individual first and then as a consumer. There are always solutions and there are way to reach those solutions or alternatives as customers through proper channels.

Whenever you have been able to get your rights heard, you should generously share that knowledge as how best to achieve that so that others could follow that too. Pay it forward ! We should share knowledge and in doing so we will learn more from each other. Alone you can stand up for your rights but with people behind you and with you , there will be more force in it and consumers and customers will not be taken for granted. United we stand in getting value for our hard earned money...United we stand in ensuring we get good customer service.

When there is a will there is a way. When you stand up for your rights and for others , somebody will listen to you sooner or later. Your voice will be heard ! But for that you have to speak out ! Silence can sometimes be mistaken as weakness or indifference. Always know your rights and request for those rights to be implemented but if they are not then demand that justice be served.

Always stand up for your rights...

Consumer Rights Consumer Might !

" Sadaa Haq Aithe Rakh ! "

"Manzil mushkil to Kya... Humhe to us rah par chalna hi hai..."

Showing posts with label Rights All. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rights All. Show all posts

Friday, May 27, 2022

Right 2 Safety & Protection


Enough is Enough !!! We are not doing enough to provide a safe environment in schools. Children shouldn't have to live in fear ! Children should be living a life free from violence, grief and fear !  It is time to act and take the right stand ! Take the right action to initiate stringent action against gun violence ! 

My heart goes out to the families of all those precious lives that were tragically lost in the recent firing in an elementary school. Innocence of children has been massacred as they had to witness and experience such a terrifying incident which will scar them for lives and will instill insecurity forever. Innocent young lives were destroyed ! Great selfless teachers lost their precious lives in protecting your children. 

It is time for parents now to act firmly in safeguarding their children and taking huge steps to ensure protection of their children in schools and streets !  Time for All to take the Right Stand against against gun violence ! Nowhere is safe enough now even for adults leave alone children ! Time to protect our children and ourselves ! The right action has to be taken to prevent such violence around us. Gun violence is not only happening in schools but on streets, places of worship, grocery stores, freeways etc. Seriously what kind of  world are we creating around us ? What kind of life are we giving to our children !? Gun laws have to be questioned ! We have a right to feel safe in our communities. We have a right to a violence free life...    

Tuesday, May 17, 2022


 Every second people who believe in rights are signing the above petition to stand up against assault at schools! Already so many people have signed and as I write more people are coming forward! BE ONE OF THEM! Sign the petition. At reaching 300,000 this petition would become one of the top signed petitions on Change.org. Be a part of that change! Create a difference and contribute to creating a safe environment at schools! 

 AAJ SE BULLY BANDH! People who have gone through similar experiences anywhere in the world would know how traumatic it is to be assaulted and bullied in school! Often the attacker goes unpunished! Accountability has to be fixed on the person who attacked Shaan as well all those who supported the bully including the children who cheered on while all this was happening! The school cannot ignore this! 

Sign the Petition against assault & harassment at schools


Monday, May 16, 2022

BULLYING & ASSAULT AT SCHOOL SHOULD NOT BE ACCEPTED! Courageous Shaan Pritmani who stood up against his bully while maintaining dignity & composure! - STAND UP 4 SHAAN PRITMANI!


Deeply distressed...How can the Right Stand & Right Action not be taken against such bullying & assault in schools! Stand Up for Shaan Pritmani ! Act now and sign the petition or this could happen to your child too!

Shaan maintained his composure & dignity throughout the unpleasant interaction with that abusive & horrible bully! And yet he did not get justice & no action was taken against that bully!

It takes immense courage to stand up against such a bully and while maintaining your composure.

Please stand up for Shaan & support the petition against bullying and assault at school! One Right 4 All !!! 



Thursday, May 13, 2021


Life was always fragile but more so now! In these very dark times, also lies more difficulties and heartbreaks. Families cannot be there for each other to support each other as travel restrictions have become more rigid than ever before. I am seeing so many suffer around me every day because of it. 

 However much positive you may try to remain, you cannot escape the pain you feel to see others in pain at this time. So many I know could not make it on time to be with their loved ones who lost their lives to this deadly pandemic and so many others are trying so hard to overcome all the obstacles of airlines' travel restrictions and visa or passport related problems to make it back home to India or elsewhere to be there for their old parents or any other loved one. The delay in their emergency travel is naturally affecting them so badly! 

Each moment weighs so heavily on them and they feel just lost, helpless, and stuck when they are not able to reach their families right away and they have to wait for appointments for emergency visas or for their passports that have gone for renewals to be returned to them. They have to wait for appointments as walk-ins are not allowed during this time. But time is the biggest factor here as life does not wait for anyone...What do people in such situations do? Do they just resign to fate and let life take its natural course of action? Do they just keep waiting for things to happen while each breath of their parents is difficultly taken and their eyes search for them?      

To add to it, it is difficult to get emergency visas for people without a letter from the patient's doctor and it is so difficult to reach doctors from overseas in these times particularly because they are not able to answer phone calls or emails in these trying times. One shouldn't have to go through this! I witness that every day here and my heart goes out to their families and them. We as a family had been through that too some months back when we had a medical emergency back home and each minute was so difficult especially because we had to first tackle the challenges of completing all pandemic-related travel formalities in the form of various documents and tests as well as get an emergency visa.  

A person I have not yet met but got acquainted with through our neighborhood group is having such a tough time making it to India right now even though she has able to gather most of the required medical documents for her emergency-related travel with the exception of a letter from a Doctor and her passport which is stuck in the renewal process right now. Her in-laws are in critical condition. 

For so many days now she is trying to make it back to India but she is facing many challenges despite having medical reports of her in-laws indicating that they have COVID and severe infection. I am doing my best to be there for her and try my best to give her emotional support as well as some useful advice. But that is not enough as she needs to be on her way to India as soon as possible! This is what made me share my thoughts here today. 

 Right now we as Indians are there for each other here and have come together in providing all forms of support to people back in our country. But what is needed is something more! We have to assist those who need to travel back home due to emergency situations by helping them out in quickly coordinating their travel arrangements and preparing all the needed documents for their travels. At that time one is already so lost and having to deal with all this stuff makes matters worse.  I remember how I was running around for printouts of all the required documents for my travel at the last moment as the airports especially in the destination country required that. 

We need entire support from our Indian community leaders here to work with the Consulates in organizing more emergency helplines and help desks in every city here to assist people in emergency situations in every way possible. I am sure that the large population of Indians in the United States can easily manage to do that and gather volunteers too. It is true we all are doing our bit and helping out each other the best way we can but it requires more structure and definition! And for that different groups, institutions, and organizations will have to work more closely together to assist people traveling for emergency purposes. Let's make it easier for all as they already have so much on their minds at that time and have a long journey to embark on to reach their loved ones to help them get better...Some are crossing over that long-distance just to bid a last farewell... Each journey requires so much support when taken for reasons of a medical emergency in the family or a sad ending. And that is why we need to support them more at that time and make things easier for them...




Thursday, July 5, 2018

One Right 4 All !

Please visit the FB page One Right to voice your thoughts and complaints as consumers. It is a good and effective platform to interact as individuals or consumers and share your experiences on how to resolve issues and complaints as well as exercise your individual rights in certain areas of life.


A voice once raised echoes in times to come-Consumer Rights Consumer Might !

A voice once raised to protect your rights echoes in time...It may not get immediate results but it lingers and can be heard back when others going through a similar situation voice their thoughts too. That is when the echoes become louder and stronger even though a delayed reaction when so many shout the same concern in unison ! Today somebody referred to my article on Vodafone from the past and came forward to tell me that they are going through a similar experience and how they are being harassed too ! I hope my blog and FB page will give them a platform to be heard ! Or it will give them a direction through which they can find an effective and fair resolution to their complaint.

As I say we must stand together as consumers because in unity are we powerful as consumers to battle daily harassments by certain companies at one time or another.  We must get value for our money ! We must advise each other about the necessary process and action in the direction to be heard by such companies and thereby prevent others from being bullied.

Monday, July 2, 2018

One Right 4 All

Sometimes in our daily lives because of certain limitations we forget the importance of  Individual Rights and how we are treated in our personal lives and work place. As this blog's introduction says- " One Right for All & None should be discriminated ! "

Silence can sometimes be mistaken as weakness or indifference. Always know your rights and request for those rights to be implemented but if they are not then demand that justice be served.  Discrimination and offensive conduct that is so severe should not be tolerated at all. 

If  you are facing endless discrimination and harassment at work, standing up for yourself  is very important.  The more you take it the more harassment you will endure. So it has to end right there right now if not before ! 

Nobody has the right to treat you badly. Hostile work environment is not at all healthy for any individual and the sooner one realises it the better or the bad behaviour can be repetitive with repercussions so severe on you. Nobody has the right to insult and humiliate you at work or in your personal life ! You have the right to be respected as an individual.

In exercising our rights are we truly free as individuals...

Always stand up for your Rights !

Friday, April 7, 2017

Delhi Haat administration's unfair treatment ! - Word with a certain craftsman

Delhi Haat is no longer as authentic as it used to be in the early days when it gave equal opportunity to all craftsmen and artisans from different States to showcase their talents. Now it has become very commercial because stalls are basically given to the same shopkeepers and same States every time because of which many craftsmen from other States feel left out and harassed.

It seems Delhi Haat administration is clearly becoming very selective and partial to some by giving the best spots and stalls to states of their choices only which clearly demonstrates their discrimination. Or is it that corruption is eroding the Delhi Haat administration ? Word and feedback from certain craftsmen has it that how ever much they may appeal to the administration, they are never ever given a chance to display their handicrafts at the best location at Delhi Haat or perform even free puppet shows for that matter any more.

In fact they are pushed to the farther most dark side or the extreme end of Delhi Haat which does not do justice to their handicrafts as that end is hardly frequented that much by visitors. According to one craftsman from Rajasthan, the people or shopkeepers who are winning good positions of stalls at Delhi Haat are apparently giving expensive gifts or bribes to ensure that their positions of stalls remain permanent.  

Stalls should be given on rotation basis. Denying people every time the right, chance and opportunity to display their handicrafts at the best spot there and always giving them the worst positions of stalls is highly discriminatory. Such matters should be thoroughly investigated based on the feedback of the craftsmen to weigh the truth and get to the bottom of the issue to resolve it.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Save Water- each drop counts !

Save Water and don't waste it ! Every thought in this direction counts and every drop counts. Every drop can save a life ! There is scarcity of water everywhere and we hear of droughts all the time all around the world in the news. Soon there will be wars over water ! We may not be able to do much in providing water for all but we can definitely do our bit by contributing in saving water and in turn saving lives. We can start from our homes. The shortage of water is a very serious issue and we need to save water all the more now than ever because everybody is entitled to have water !

Having access to water and that too clean water if possible is a human right. Not many are doing anything about it and what we don't realise  is that tomorrow we too may not have access to water at all. We could face drought as well. So many people have to walk such a distance just to get water and I was informed about this by many children from neighbouring villages when I visited Jaisalmer, Rajasthan. Many children even requested me to give them empty bottles so that they could use them to store water. Such is the condition of people who are denied water not only in certain villages but certain cities too. Their thirst is reflected on their faces...

Everybody has a Right Not to be Thirsty ! Everybody had a Right to get water !  And we must keep that in mind and educate people not to waste water so that in the process we could share water with all.  As said earlier, It is our right not only to have water but get clean water !

Some days back we bought a RO Water Purifier and from Day one my mother was concerned about the amount of water that is wasted in the process of purifying the water for drinking purpose. An enormous quantity of water just drips from a pipe during the water purification process and it is so heartbreaking to see that when one considers how that amount of water could be so useful to so many who are denied water. Of course we worked out a way to end this kind of wastage of water . We store that quantity of  so-called wasted water that the Purifier leaves in big vessels and use it to clean utensils or mop floors. Actually that water could be used for so many other purposes instead of just throwing it away. In a world that is now facing water crisis this is the least we can do.

But my concern is that why the companies selling these Water Purifies are not doing anything at all in finding ways to save that water by using certain techniques to recycle the water wasted by the machine at the time of purification. Maybe they could design the RO Water Purifiers in such a way that the wasted water could be emptied or released simultaneously in another container with a tap to recycle it or something. Many responsible citizens have found ways to store that water wasted by the RO Water Purifiers in big containers to use it for cleaning utensils or washing clothes. One of my friends shared a post concerning the same on FB today and that  reminded me to share what I meant to write for long regarding how we are combatting the wastage of water by these Water Purifiers.

I feel that gigantic water purifying plants should be set up everywhere in the country to provide pure drinking water for people and at the same time recycle the large amount of water released during the process of purification of water for various other purposes. This way nobody would need to buy individual RO water purifiers which result in immense wastage of water in households. As it is , this will ensure in real saving of water as well as providing clean water for drinking purposes for everybody. The mistakes of some are depriving others of having water and that is not fair. And some who may have access to water are just not getting clean water . Some are just not getting water safe enough for drinking. Strict measures need to be implemented to tackle not only water shortages in every way possible but also provide clean water.

Each step towards saving water can contribute in dealing with the long-term possibilities of a water crisis in the not affected areas as well. Many countries have already found sophisticated ways of dealing with water shortages as well as water  problems by recycling wasted water and advising people to save water at their homes by doing the same.

As I always spread the word around that water is a necessity and we must not waste it at any cost or soon it will just become a luxury accorded to a few who can afford it. It is our right not only to get water but get clean water ! Save Water as well as collectively do something somehow to get pure drinking water for everyone ! All deserve water and that too clean water. 

Sunday, July 26, 2015

One Right- One Rank One Pension

One Right Blog believes in One Rank One Pension. It is the right of the officers to be granted this and it is only fair to grant them this as they have earned what they ask. As it is this will boost the morale of the Armed Forces all the more when they get this as an appreciation for their commitment to their duty in defending the Nation.

This is too little they ask considering all that they do for the Nation and how they sacrifice their lives on our borders everyday. This is too little they ask considering all their families have to go through when they are separated from them most of the times when serving in field areas or conflict zones.

 They are putting their lives at risk for us everyday and we as a Nation can't even do this for them as a token of appreciation and recognition of their life threatening work. When men and women join the Armed Forces, they are prepared to risk their lives for the country and that may be their choice according to some but it is never easy for anyone to choose a profession that involves threat to life. It is our choice now how we support them in getting their Rights !

We may not be that brave enough to put our lives in danger willingly to serve the nation on borders but we can demonstrate courage in supporting their cause for One Rank One Pension. The Armed Forces always take a stand for us and now it is high time that we stand up for them and their rights.

 No amount of money may sufficiently compensate for the loss of so many lives of so many of our brave officers and soldiers but we could at least try to pay it forward for what we have received from them. As it is as a nation we have not even dedicated one day in a year to honour our war heroes and military veterans the way other nations do. So the least we can do is to honour and respect them by giving this tribute...

This year on Kargil Vijay Diwas, the war heroes have not been honoured the way they should have been like every year with wide media coverage and television shows dedicated to them. I feel sad that all their sacrifices are wasted when their due is not given to them and their families left behind. Geneva Convention was violated in a big way in the Kargil War and yet so many of us did not even find it important to sign the petition sent to the U.N by their families. We could not get them justice there but here in our own country we must do justice with them and sign the petition to support their cause and motivate the government to hear them for once on the subject of One Rank One Pension. Try to visit all our borders and experience all that they go through there for us and then you will understand and empathise that the Armed Forces are always on duty no matter what all their lives whatever the time . They truly deserve what they want - One Rank One Pension. Jai Hind !

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Act now !

This Blog is not only a platform for putting forward complaints but a place to inform people of the kind of services some companies and brands give to the customers. This Blog deals with good and bad reviews of services and also encourages people to be vocal about their unpleasant experiences regarding their Rights so that these could be addressed through the right channels. One cannot just keep complaining without doing anything. It is important to act to ensure things change for the better. But one has to act keeping in mind the rules and laws as well. Everything has to be approached with facts, evidence, tact and diplomacy to get the desired long lasting  results if you want to be heard.

 If nothing else sharing experiences will warn others beforehand about the bad customer service they may encounter in a certain area and how to be well prepared to deal with it accordingly and effectively. We have the Right to Information and the Right to receive good customer service. We should be more conscious about our Rights. With the emergence of Social Media, we are now fortunate enough to be equipped with the appropriate tools to tackle any kind of injustice by attracting attention to it and reaching out to  provide maximum support to each other. Today you are not alone in your fight against corruption or violation of your rights. You may not get positive results every time but what is important is to stand up for yourself and if honesty and right are on your side, you can never go wrong. 

Monday, June 22, 2015

Wake up Consumers !

Through this blog I want to heighten the awareness about Consumer Rights or Individual Rights .It is very important to create some awareness amongst people here regarding their Rights. It is not an easy path to awaken people in this direction but it is worth a try ! I will be gradually narrating my experiences in pursuing my rights both in India and abroad so that people could relate to it and be inspired to do the same for themselves. I hope I can make a difference and some if not all choose to stand up for themselves instead of getting suppressed by people who harass and bully them continuously. 

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Good Customer Service needed in terms of attitude and body language

I am once again reminded of my job as Guest Relations Officer at Hyatt long time back. I guess it holds true that Once a Hotelier, Always a Hotelier...As part of the the "Exceeding Guest Expectations" Training we would have lots of quizzes. One question was that " What are our guests' most basis expectations ?" The answer was " To be cared, to be understood and to be provided with good service."

People in the customer service industry should be more sensitive to the needs of their customers to have them coming back to them. Companies and Institutions should give them the best training to ensure that they meet the expectations and requirements of the guests and customers. They should be also given training in etiquettes and body language to aid them in delivering the most pleasant interaction with their customers. In this regard, I think that Lifestyle and Nike ( Ground Floor GIP Mall,Noida) need to pay attention as they have a lot of staff members with bad and aggressive attitudes.

Marks & Spencers Noida generally provided very good service to their customers and it is always nice shopping there. But in matters of etiquettes Marks & Spencers as well as Lifestyle needs to strictly prohibit their staff from coughing on customers and digging their noses while giving clothes to customers. As silly and irrelevant as this may sound, some customers actually get offended by such manners and do not want to pick up clothes from there then.

Later I will be telling more about the experience of a family member at the Nike shop which is on the ground floor of GIP Mall. Their attitude is really bad and the all male staff threatens and dominates by surrounding the customer in a group when the customer raises a complaint. I would suggest never to shop there. Instead Nike shop on the other floors are better at that mall.

This is where I stress that it is so important for even good brands like Nike to follow up on the services provided by it's franchises to customers to preserve their reputation and image. No wonder many are now going to Adidas even though they like Nike here. Of course we cannot base our judgement on one or two bad experiences as it is the individual who may have given the worst customer service and not the brand itself. But what can be done not to alienate the customer would be for the Brand name to be careful in selecting the people it lends it's names and franchises to and ensuring that they are providing good services through customer feedback.

I personally feel that not only famous personalities but common sales person at a shop is also in a way endorsing the brand he or she sells. The responsibility rests on that person on how he or she make it a positive shopping experience for the customer to shop at that store. All the more Nike and other famous brands like Lacoste here should be selective in hiring their staff or providing them on job training to deal with the customers specially senior citizens effectively and positively.

Exceeding Customer/Guest Expectations

Having worked at Hyatt Regency, I am trained to give the best possible guest services in any line of work that I apply my skills to. Hyatt Regency Hotel had online job training for " exceeding guest expectations". It is so important to exceed the expectations of our guests, clients or customers in any field of work to create a favourable first impression.

After that it is even more important to maintain the favourable image you have created by providing continuous and everlasting efficient services. That is when Follow-up comes into play as follow up is essential to know the impressions and needs of the guests and specially regarding their complaints.

 In the last couple of years,I have noticed that Hotels,hospitals, airlines ,banks and companies are lacking in providing the best services to the customers and exceeding their expectations. What is more irritating is their lack of responsibility and taking the appropriate action to fix responsibility and making it up to the customer for inconvenience caused.

Gradually I will address all the unpleasant experiences faced by customers from my personal experiences and research to stress that these institutions and companies need to adopt a responsible and positive attitude towards their customers to keep winning them back. Be it Reliance, Airtel, HSBC,Citibank,HDFC,HP, Make My Trip, Philips, Deutsche Bank, Mahendra Holidays, Air-India or Nike India, a very responsible and positive attitude is called for in dealing with their customers and their problems.

As I advocate ,it is our right to get the best possible service and value for money and one should not feel awkward or shy to expect that at any place anywhere. Also we must too provide the same pleasant and professional service at our work place.