I always stand up for what I believe in and what is right even if it means standing alone...In life standing up for your rights is never easy but it is very important to embark on this Long and difficult path to enforce and protect your individual and consumer rights.We all must be aware of our rights.In exercising our rights are we truly free individuals.

I have won many long customer battles against Banks,Phone Companies, Airlines, Electronics Companies etc. I have devoted time and energy to demand positive resolutions for myself and people around me. I hate it when one is denied what every customer has a right to...and that is when I find it important to address it and complain about it. I know it takes time to escalate matters but somehow I prefer to address it no matter what. Having lived in America for sometime, I give a lot of importance to Individual Rights.

It is my nephew who inspired me to write this blog. He felt the importance of his rights and the need to address this subject in a blog very early in age when he was unhappy with the services of a certain Airline. It was then that he suggested that I should write a blog concerning such matters too.

Everyone has certain rights but we are usually not informed about them or do not exercise them. We have a right to be heard...and we must never forget that. There is One Right for All and None should be discriminated. One has the right to question and a right to information. With growing middle class touch 400 million and consumerism, Indian Companies need to become responsive to Consumer complaints and grievances. Ignoring such complaints could lead to big financial losses for the company on consumer complaints being upheld by Consumer Courts.

In this blog, I would like us to share our knowledge about how best to address our complaints effectively as a customer or consumer. It is also important to inform people about the poor customer services provided by reputed brand names. But I would also like to hi-light the names of companies and brands who have co-operated with customers and given positive responses. Please do share your experiences too.

You do not win every battle in life but you learn lessons from it and hopefully live to win it some day. Through this blog ,I would like to inspire people to stand up for their rights and if needed fight for it but the fight for your rights has to be fair and honest. I aim to create a direction and awareness for people who are not given their due rights as an individual first and then as a consumer. There are always solutions and there are way to reach those solutions or alternatives as customers through proper channels.

Whenever you have been able to get your rights heard, you should generously share that knowledge as how best to achieve that so that others could follow that too. Pay it forward ! We should share knowledge and in doing so we will learn more from each other. Alone you can stand up for your rights but with people behind you and with you , there will be more force in it and consumers and customers will not be taken for granted. United we stand in getting value for our hard earned money...United we stand in ensuring we get good customer service.

When there is a will there is a way. When you stand up for your rights and for others , somebody will listen to you sooner or later. Your voice will be heard ! But for that you have to speak out ! Silence can sometimes be mistaken as weakness or indifference. Always know your rights and request for those rights to be implemented but if they are not then demand that justice be served.

Always stand up for your rights...

Consumer Rights Consumer Might !

" Sadaa Haq Aithe Rakh ! "

"Manzil mushkil to Kya... Humhe to us rah par chalna hi hai..."

Thursday, December 9, 2021


Celebrities should be selective about which products they endorse! They should carefully investigate them before supporting them because representing companies that mislead consumers could tarnish their image too!

Celebrities should stop endorsing companies that do not deliver what they promise by renouncing them even afterwards based on consumers' feedback and this can only happen if celebrities feel responsible about the products they endorse and demonstrate that through having a team dedicated to following up on responses of customers I see as a consumers rights blogger that almost all the feedbacks of different customers are negative and so based on that no celebrity should endorse or represent this company unless Livpure gets their act straight and starts valuing its customers ! The same goes for other celebrities endorsing other brands and companies.

RO Membrane Filter replacement deliberately ignored by Livpure for years!


Always ensure that the membrane filter of any RO is in working condition. Usually when serviced, the companies may replace the other filter but sometimes deliberately ignore the replacement of membrane.

Most of the consumers are not aware of this but membrane filters remove the contaminants of the water. The replacement of membrane depends on the water quality, water consumption or actual usage. It may need to be changed sooner or later after 2 years or so. There is no definitely established time but a responsible company should ensure that it is checked on maintenance visits!

Livpure naturally ignored that and when the water purity was tested recently was the shocking dangerous level of water quality revealed which had resulted affecting the health of the seniors. That is when the membrane was finally changed by Livpure after so many years of purchasing the water purifier and despite numerous maintenance visits where water quality was checked but the necessity of changing the membrane was not informed. In this case the senior citizen has pre-existing conditions and this carelessness by Livpure could have a seriously dangerous impact on the person's health since the water quality was extremely bad!

People please be careful and make sure that these companies replace the membrane filter of the ROs on time! After all your health is at stake! Know the product you are using and read all the intricate details of the product online for more knowledge so that you enjoy the benefits of that product and are aware of the necessary replacements that you are entitled to in the maintenance visits that you pay for.

Airlines criminally preying on passengers' miseries in times of pandemic !

 Airlines are criminally preying on passengers' miseries by outrageously raising the prices of the air tickets. The international tickets to India on well- known airlines started at around $2600 or so and went up as high as even $6000 during Thanksgiving holidays which was absolutely shocking! And these tickets continue to be expensive. 

Already one is isolated in times of pandemic and now the thought of such expensive travel makes one feel more isolated as now it has become far more challenging to visit family. People who have medical emergencies in the family have no choice but to pay such an exorbitant price to reach their families. 

The airlines are taking advantage of the pandemic situation when people are already going through financial difficulties due to loss of jobs or reduced hours. And they are making it so difficult for those who are trying to reach their families, and thus create even a wider and challenging distance between people.

 Instead of connecting countries and hearts, they are disconnecting people as many can't afford to spend that much right now. Nobody is asking the airlines to lower their air fares though that would be a nice thought but people are asking them to charge what could be considered normal fares even during busy season. One cannot expect airlines to demonstrate any sensitivity during world health crisis since they will only think from the business point of view but they have no right to raise the fares so much that they are abnormally high! There should be some checks on them!           

Monday, November 8, 2021

Breach of Contract by LIVPURE Noida- Think twice b4 signing maintenance contract with them !

Livpure promises free Preventive Maintenance Service as per Contract & then disappears !

You may contact them several times for scheduling appointments but they ignore ! This is the general feedback of almost all their customers including mine when I had to endure their pathetic customer service while in Noida.

Despite a Dozen requests LIVPURE NOIDA in particular as always never honours any of the given appointments when they learn that it is NOT A PAID VISIT but FREE PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE visit.


It is high time that the Livpure NOIDA staff is pulled up and ordered to provide the rightful service to its customers. 

Monday, November 1, 2021

LIVPURE - Die-hard unprofessional customer service continues as usual !!! :(


Some things actually never change like the pathetic customer service of Livpure ! One has to endure endless unprofessional service from Livpure every time one interacts with them. Perhaps it is time to move away from this company people as sooner or later you too will get tired of their careless attitude towards customers.

Their customer service is really below average. They never honour appointments or service their products on time despite taking an advance from customers ! There is one section in my blog committed to them which talks about their unprofessionalism ! They talk rudely to senior citizens and harass customers by continuously delaying and eventually denying timely service as discussed .

As already mentioned in my previous posts, they no longer give a reference number for service request. And they do not even send reminders as was the protocol for the due three months service even after taking Rs.8000 for maintenance contract.

Even after renewal of the maintenance contract their water purifier does not get serviced by them for months. One has to be so persistent and even that may not even get results for you with them. I wonder how the corporate office of Livpure can hire such unprofessional people who do not even know how to deal with customers leave alone give good timely service. Highly unreliable ! Highly unprofessional !

Monday, October 25, 2021



Like Emirates, United Airlines etc., Lufthansa should also extend the validity of current miles as well as extend unused miles from before from the time COVID-19 actually started till date since during these times of world health crisis it has been difficult to travel ! It would be wonderful if Lufthansa did that too since it is always so nice to fly with them. This would certainly encourage people to start their travels with them again.

During such difficult and trying times the last thing on our mind was to spend miles even on gift cards leave alone travel since flights were not operating on so many sectors. There were lockdowns due to COVID-19 and only a few airlines were operating from certain countries or on certain sectors for a long time. Therefore, our miles could not be used due to circumstances beyond our control.

All airlines have been sensitive enough to extend that courtesy of extending miles ,vouchers, airline awards etc. during the times of pandemic. Our unused or expired miles have been automatically extended in our online accounts with other airlines . As of now awaiting the same king gesture from Lufthansa.


Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Apple Support- Not all that supportive


And so I was told that I might need to go in for a new iPad since it was concluded that servicing also may not restore my iPad since they may not have parts for such an old iPad. I was told that there may be something wrong with the hardware or that the new software update of 10.3.4 is not compatible with my so-called old IPad 4.  

So basically, in other words, it was decided by Apple Support that the problem cannot be fixed. I proved Apple support wrong! My question was why would you send me a message to update my iPad to 10.3.4 if it was felt that it would not be compatible with my iPad and would encounter definite errors while updating it. I would have thought that before sending us a message to update to the new version, a reputed company like theirs would test and try their new software on old devices thoroughly and in detail to ensure that no errors occur.    

 I was so hoping that by calling Apple Support, my problem would be resolved based on the detailed report I gave them about the problems I encountered while updating and restoring my iPad through iTunes. But I was disappointed to find that not much was done at all to work around the problem or even try to address it effectively. It is like the Apple support team in America is just there to advise you to take your device to the nearest Apple store or third-party store for servicing at an expensive price or to motivate you to purchase a new Apple device instead. Their Asia Pacific Support team is much better because at least they try to work at it with you and follow up on it if they can't resolve the issue right away. At least that is the experience I had with their team in Singapore.   

My iPad was totally locked and was not even getting restored to factory settings leave alone getting updated.

Anyway as determined as I am, I didn't give up! Persistence is the key! So I kept on at it and for two days desperately tried several times to update and restore my iPad through iTunes by repeatedly trying all that I could based on the information available online through deep research of various websites and user experiences. It was actually quite frustrating! But I did not want to buy a new iPad or even try to send it for servicing at $250 or something when there was no guarantee that it would be restored. Moreover, this was a gift from my parents and so all the more I wanted it to be fixed. 

Fortunately, I had created a backup on iTunes but even during the backup process there all my photos were not getting included in the backup right away. So I had to devote a lot of time and energy to resolve several issues and errors in what is usually a fast process. As of late, the Apple servers are not as reachable at all times as it is. But I kept repeating the process of rebooting both devices, unplugging them several times, turning off the security software as well as disabling the firewall for some time to avoid blockers of any kind, trying different USB ports etc. This all happened despite the iTunes that I have on my laptop being the latest version. 

At one time, I even thought that the USB cable may be damaged since in the device connectivity test on iTunes, it reflected as "no iPad found" under the 'Ports' section. iTunes was not acknowledging or recognizing my iPad for some reason and was displaying error 6 every time I tried updating or restoring it even to factory settings. But I kept trying it over and over again! 

I even read somewhere that this could be because of third-party security software. Somewhere it said to check host files too because after that sometimes it may or may not recognize the device. Another option was to temporarily remove security software to isolate the issue but they don't uninstall completely and I did not feel like doing a clean-up on my computer. So it went on and I read a lot about the error I was encountering and it certainly increased my knowledge. I may not be working in the technical field but years back I did Web Designing with E-commerce which has left some technical impressions on me. But what do others do who do not have the time, patience, or technical knowledge to resolve such a problem on their own but cannot rely on the much-needed support from the Apple support team? 

And after much persistence did I finally receive the desired result! And so I did it at last! I fixed my iPad and was allowed access to it. I could restore my iPad from the saved backup to the way it was before and that too with the latest update! It took time, patience, research, and will to resolve this on my own. Army brats don't give up that easily! Two days of persistence & not giving up come whatever may... 

But I wish one could look up to the support team to work together with the customers to make their products work. As a traditional thinking customer, I want to deal with a company that offers me lifetime support and extended warranties of products. I would want the products to work a lifetime like the Hitachi products or other Japanese products that we bought in the 80s  since I don't like to keep buying new devices and discarding the old ones.

 Apple should work together with its customers to repair them. Somehow I get the feeling that Apple's concept is to discard old devices for the new ones because of compatibility issues or update issues with old devices which I don't subscribe to. That may be the reason that parts are not easily available to repair old devices though in India I know people who can repair any device and for a much cheaper rate. The new software should be able to be updated easily on old devices too.  

 I wish Apple would offer long-time support to customers as people like me would value that. Without it, I am not that keen on buying their products however famous they may be. For that reason to date, I am debating between purchasing an iPhone and a Samsung phone. Let's see if I am motivated and convinced enough to go for an iPhone. Actually, I don't find Apple devices reliable at times since my photos and notes keep disappearing from the device on their own and after months resurface from somewhere again on their own. Many I know have faced the same problems. I hope Apple can resolve such issues. But above all their product management and customer support area need refining.