I always stand up for what I believe in and what is right even if it means standing alone...In life standing up for your rights is never easy but it is very important to embark on this Long and difficult path to enforce and protect your individual and consumer rights.We all must be aware of our rights.In exercising our rights are we truly free individuals.

I have won many long customer battles against Banks,Phone Companies, Airlines, Electronics Companies etc. I have devoted time and energy to demand positive resolutions for myself and people around me. I hate it when one is denied what every customer has a right to...and that is when I find it important to address it and complain about it. I know it takes time to escalate matters but somehow I prefer to address it no matter what. Having lived in America for sometime, I give a lot of importance to Individual Rights.

It is my nephew who inspired me to write this blog. He felt the importance of his rights and the need to address this subject in a blog very early in age when he was unhappy with the services of a certain Airline. It was then that he suggested that I should write a blog concerning such matters too.

Everyone has certain rights but we are usually not informed about them or do not exercise them. We have a right to be heard...and we must never forget that. There is One Right for All and None should be discriminated. One has the right to question and a right to information. With growing middle class touch 400 million and consumerism, Indian Companies need to become responsive to Consumer complaints and grievances. Ignoring such complaints could lead to big financial losses for the company on consumer complaints being upheld by Consumer Courts.

In this blog, I would like us to share our knowledge about how best to address our complaints effectively as a customer or consumer. It is also important to inform people about the poor customer services provided by reputed brand names. But I would also like to hi-light the names of companies and brands who have co-operated with customers and given positive responses. Please do share your experiences too.

You do not win every battle in life but you learn lessons from it and hopefully live to win it some day. Through this blog ,I would like to inspire people to stand up for their rights and if needed fight for it but the fight for your rights has to be fair and honest. I aim to create a direction and awareness for people who are not given their due rights as an individual first and then as a consumer. There are always solutions and there are way to reach those solutions or alternatives as customers through proper channels.

Whenever you have been able to get your rights heard, you should generously share that knowledge as how best to achieve that so that others could follow that too. Pay it forward ! We should share knowledge and in doing so we will learn more from each other. Alone you can stand up for your rights but with people behind you and with you , there will be more force in it and consumers and customers will not be taken for granted. United we stand in getting value for our hard earned money...United we stand in ensuring we get good customer service.

When there is a will there is a way. When you stand up for your rights and for others , somebody will listen to you sooner or later. Your voice will be heard ! But for that you have to speak out ! Silence can sometimes be mistaken as weakness or indifference. Always know your rights and request for those rights to be implemented but if they are not then demand that justice be served.

Always stand up for your rights...

Consumer Rights Consumer Might !

" Sadaa Haq Aithe Rakh ! "

"Manzil mushkil to Kya... Humhe to us rah par chalna hi hai..."

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Appellate Authority in Alliance with the Nodal Office Vodafone & Vodafone Customer Care - Harassing Customers

Fair resolutions require proper investigation based on facts and evidence and not false feedback. From the response of the Appellate Authority, it is clearly evident that they in alliance with the Vodafone Nodal Office want to put pressure on the customer to ignore the inconvenience caused to the customer by Vodafone's careless action. As per the recent mail from them,  it is also clear that the Vodafone specialised Care team had provided false feedback to the Appellate as well by stating that I had not submitted the documents. The hard fact is that I had submitted the updated documents required by Vodafone on the 4th of June 2015 and the Vodafone Store concerned supported me in proving that. So then why were my outgoing and incoming calls blocked by the concerned Vodafone team when procedures were followed and why am I being asked to submit those documents again when proper verification was carried out at the Vodafone store and there was no problem whatsoever ?

Well it seems neither the Vodafone Nodal Office nor the Appellate Authority Office want to give me answers here as that will bring forward their act of carelessness and insensitivity towards their loyal and law abiding customer. Repeatedly I am being urged to treat this issue as an exception so that they can  simply  get away with this mistake as well. But I refuse to let this matter go unnoticed . I am from the Customer Services Industry too and we were taught to do proper follow ups on complaints and investigate complaints thoroughly to provide fair resolutions to guests and fix responsibility on people who caused inconvenience to the guests. As an ex- Hotelier I was taught that complaints have to be treated seriously so that there is no repetition and the customers had to be compensated in some way for the inconvenience caused. So why isn't anyone from Vodafone taking my complaint seriously or addressing it rightly ? Their interaction with customers always turns out negative. Vodafone India or should I say Vodafone Delhi is definitely not getting positive feedback from customers because of their lack of action and inability to provide fair judgements. Now the Appellate Authority has also joined the gang it seems...

Now to deviate from the issue and cover their mistake, the Nodal Office has suddenly informed the Vodafone Store that the updated documents for customers with no change of address has to be collected too. Couldn't these instructions be given to the Vodafone stores at the time they sent the SMS regarding updated documents to the customers ? Because of lack of clarity in the instructions given to the Vodafone stores regarding collection of updated documents, so many customers including I have suffered so much of harassment as their staff returned our documents after verifying details. Had the seniors sent out clear instructions and written circulars regarding the same to the Vodafone stores, the customers like me would not have suffered and our accounts would not have been suspended.

I have submitted my updated documents and it is not my problem that my documents were returned to me after verification. In fact because of their lack of follow up, my calls were disrupted even after their assuring that I will enjoy uninterrupted service. Before taking such a stringent action against me like disabling my account for so many days, the Nodal office should have confirmed with me and I would have informed them that I have already submitted my documents. And they should have confirmed the same with the Vodafone store too.Under no conditions did Vodafone have the right to harass a customer so much by even disabling the customer's account when the customer had co-operated in submitting updated documents in the given time. I will address this matter as much as I can and hope that this will inspire other Vodafone customers to come forward with their complaints and escalating complaints without fear of pressure from Appellate Authority and Vodafone Nodal Office to dismiss the case. I will try to pursue this case as far as I can even if it takes a lot of time. Wrong has been done and it has to be corrected !

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