I always stand up for what I believe in and what is right even if it means standing alone...In life standing up for your rights is never easy but it is very important to embark on this Long and difficult path to enforce and protect your individual and consumer rights.We all must be aware of our rights.In exercising our rights are we truly free individuals.

I have won many long customer battles against Banks,Phone Companies, Airlines, Electronics Companies etc. I have devoted time and energy to demand positive resolutions for myself and people around me. I hate it when one is denied what every customer has a right to...and that is when I find it important to address it and complain about it. I know it takes time to escalate matters but somehow I prefer to address it no matter what. Having lived in America for sometime, I give a lot of importance to Individual Rights.

It is my nephew who inspired me to write this blog. He felt the importance of his rights and the need to address this subject in a blog very early in age when he was unhappy with the services of a certain Airline. It was then that he suggested that I should write a blog concerning such matters too.

Everyone has certain rights but we are usually not informed about them or do not exercise them. We have a right to be heard...and we must never forget that. There is One Right for All and None should be discriminated. One has the right to question and a right to information. With growing middle class touch 400 million and consumerism, Indian Companies need to become responsive to Consumer complaints and grievances. Ignoring such complaints could lead to big financial losses for the company on consumer complaints being upheld by Consumer Courts.

In this blog, I would like us to share our knowledge about how best to address our complaints effectively as a customer or consumer. It is also important to inform people about the poor customer services provided by reputed brand names. But I would also like to hi-light the names of companies and brands who have co-operated with customers and given positive responses. Please do share your experiences too.

You do not win every battle in life but you learn lessons from it and hopefully live to win it some day. Through this blog ,I would like to inspire people to stand up for their rights and if needed fight for it but the fight for your rights has to be fair and honest. I aim to create a direction and awareness for people who are not given their due rights as an individual first and then as a consumer. There are always solutions and there are way to reach those solutions or alternatives as customers through proper channels.

Whenever you have been able to get your rights heard, you should generously share that knowledge as how best to achieve that so that others could follow that too. Pay it forward ! We should share knowledge and in doing so we will learn more from each other. Alone you can stand up for your rights but with people behind you and with you , there will be more force in it and consumers and customers will not be taken for granted. United we stand in getting value for our hard earned money...United we stand in ensuring we get good customer service.

When there is a will there is a way. When you stand up for your rights and for others , somebody will listen to you sooner or later. Your voice will be heard ! But for that you have to speak out ! Silence can sometimes be mistaken as weakness or indifference. Always know your rights and request for those rights to be implemented but if they are not then demand that justice be served.

Always stand up for your rights...

Consumer Rights Consumer Might !

" Sadaa Haq Aithe Rakh ! "

"Manzil mushkil to Kya... Humhe to us rah par chalna hi hai..."

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Vodafone social media team taking too long a time to address this matter

There has just been an endless wait for getting this case heard ! From the 19th of Oct. I have been giving Vodafone social media team more and more time but Sunil Kumar from the Nodal office got away by mentally harassing me even today and an investigation has not been carried out. 

I wonder whether my number as well as numbers of many customers were accidentally deactivated by Vodafone during system upgrade. In my case it may have been deliberately deactivated because I wanted to expose the inefficiency of the staff who even after verifying my documents put me through endless harassment and inconvenience ! 

Either way because of their inefficient staff I have suffered and now I am told that my number is considered a new number. I have had this number since 2009 and Vodafone had no right to deactivate it and in the process take away the plan I had subscribed to. 

The action of Sunil Kumar calls for suspicion as the law does not allow you to deactivate numbers in times of mobile number portability specially if the customer has cleared all dues. 

In the event of any unresolved issues between us, I had the right to port my number ! Vodafone had already barred my calls on the falsely made up feedback of their concerned team and it was not required to deactivate my number ! Why was all this done ? Why did the Nodal allow this ? Because they had something to hide and the best alternative for them was to deactivate my number so that they could prevent the case from being escalated further which would have hi- lighted Vodafone's deficiencies.

The social media team is taking endless time to deal with this and I have to wait till Monday now but I don't think they will do anything even that day or I see them clearly siding with the staff who is providing false feedback. Anyway let's wait and watch ! But I will continue promoting my petition to inform people about the dishonest business tones of Vodafone as they have troubled me beyond comprehension. On top of it Vodafone has sold unused blocked World Calling Cards to me just before all this.
Nodal's unfair resolution & intervening again at this level not acceptable !

The matter has gone past Nodal long time back because they provided unfair resolutions time and again on this case and I do not accept that ! And I have a right to escalate the matter if I am not satisfied with the unfair decision of the Nodal and Appellate Authority ! But they are even denying me that right by putting endless pressure to give in on their terms. Also they are appointing the same representative that they had assigned to this case earlier on and that person Sunil Kumar is incapable of settling the matter fairly. That man still remains adamant regarding refusal to carry out an investigation, send a written apology letter from people concerned who harassed me or activate my number. By deactivating my number deliberately they are abusing my right to port this number to Airtel.

 Nodal is still refusing to accept the fact that I had already submitted documents ( ID & Address proof) on the 3rd of June 2015 but their staff did not do their job rightly and update that information in my account which caused barring of my calls twice and finally deactivation of my number. Instead of investigating the matter or have their staff apologise to me in writing for all the inconvenience caused, the Nodal team from the beginning has not even tried to resolve the matter or addressed my complaint properly. They are only copying and pasting their old message in every mail they sent me till today and that message clearly reflects their believing the false feedback of their teams and passing unfair judgement based on that !

 As I have mentioned before as well that on the 21st of Oct. 2015 Sunil did not talk to me in an appropriate manner  when he called me. Like Sunder, he was very hostile in his attitude towards me in this entire case. It is clearly obvious that I would not be getting a fair resolution from Vodafone anytime soon as their social media page team keeps delaying addressing this complaint every day despite their assurances that they would look into it.  I communicated to the Nodal in response to their message today that again I am not satisfied with their resolution as I have lost faith in their ability to resolve customer complaints through their actions. What is the idea of Nodal intervening again at this time when the matter has been escalated this far specially they have no intention whatsoever for resolving this complaint fairly ?

 I will be escalating the matter further and as far as it can go. This is totally unacceptable that the Nodal Office is letting Vodafone representatives get away with continuous harassment of a customer. It is also very unfortunate that the Nodal team is aiding the customer service team and Noida Vodafone shop to cover up their lies and till date supporting them in deactivating my number impulsively without even letting an investigation take place. 

 The last time I mailed Nodal before this petition was my last attempt to give them a final chance for the third or fourt time to resolve this issue at their level but they have failed me and let me down as a customer who had repeatedly turned to them hoping that they would order an investigation of the matter and pass a fair judgement.  I have mails to prove their indifference in this entire matter. As I had stated earlier on first Vodafone should do their job and fix responsibility on the people concerned by investigating and asking them to apologise in writing and restore my services, and then I shall submit my documents again for the second time !


Vodafone allows harassment to continue through same representative !

Got a call from the same person Sunil (01171272522) who had intimidated me on the 21st and had deactivated my phone number ( after barring of calls before that ) because I communicated to him that I would be porting my number ! His stand remains the same ! I have told him to email me as I will not suffer more harassment on the phone...

I can't understand why after repeated requests to have written interactions on Vodafone social media page and my petition, Vodafone is making the same people get in touch with me who have spoilt the case and are refusing to investigate the matter or send an apology letter even now ? The fact is that I had submitted updated documents and their staff had verified it in June ! And yet my calls were barred twice and finally my number was deactivated !


Friday, October 30, 2015

Vodafone fails in satisfying customers / Bad customer service !

Customer service is all about pleasant interactions and reaching for solutions to tackle the problems of customers if any to enhance their experience.

 Customer service is all about recognising the needs of customers and not continually ignoring those needs. Companies need to be interactive with the customers to know their requirements and concerns to retain those customers and win back the dissatisfied ones. Also when one team fails to resolve an issues then right away another team should be detailed to address the complaint and that too promptly. Addressing complaints without delays and follow up after that are so important to keep customers satisfied . If they fail to do that then they fail as a service provider. 

Without communication nothing can ever be maintained or solved. Vodafone lacks in all those departments and so is miserable failing in meeting the expectations of it's customers. 


According to the message posted by Vodafone on their social media page , they are still working on my concern and others' as well. I have been hearing that far too long now to believe it...Such delays in handling complaints is inexcusable. And resisting interaction through emails is even more irritating after repeated requests to have written interactions regarding this case.

Every day they all post a similar message and falsely promise an update or say that they are trying to resolve the case. My number has been deactivated since the 19th of Oct.

The matter has been delayed long enough and a lot has been damaged in the process-  time, peace of mind, work and money. Each day Vodafone has delayed in fixing responsibility on the people concerned has costed me ! 
Now I find that the World calling card I had purchased from their store is also blocked and the expiry date is nearing. Even after reporting the matter, that too has not been addressed. As it is , I cannot use it as it can be only used on a Vodafone number and my number has been deactivated . 

Why does the customer have to pay for the inefficiencies of their teams ? All this would not have occurred if Vodafone teams had done their job the first time ! Vodafone is not only expected to restore my number but also accept responsibility for what happened and make up for all the inconvenience caused to me in terms of harassment and loss of work and money due to the deactivation.

Vodafone has no right to harass and insult customers to cover up the careless acts of their various teams. The number should not have been deactivated in the first place and now it should be restored immediately before they waste any more days. Investigation of the matter and a written apology from the people who caused me this harassment is long overdue ! Vodafone's rigidity to offer any written apology regarding the case  and refusal to investigate the case has only escalated the matter !

Action speaks louder than words ! Vodafone does not respect customers...


For days Vodafone has been harassing me ! In facts for months I gave been mentally harassed just because their teams did not do their job of updating my information on their system even after verifying my documents at the store. Some numbers were deactivated by their negligence during system upgrade and some they deliberately deactivated to prevent customers from porting their numbers. I have this Vodafone number since 2009 and have always kept submitting updated documents whenever required  and yet I have been harassed so much !

In a democratic country like India this kind of dictatorial attitude of Vodafone is unacceptable and has to be questioned ! 

Vodafone should not get away by bullying customers endlessly by deactivating their numbers and that too without an investigation ! What does Vodafone think ? That it will keep silencing customers by constantly intimidating them and bullying them...Not anymore ! Gradually many people specially Vodafone customers are joining this petition and I sincerely appreciate that ! A special thanks to All those leaving comments as that will enlighten people about Vodafone's code of conduct in business. As a foreign company it should realise the importance of the code of conduct in business as well as respect consumers' rights as observed in their country. 

Today for the 12th day my number stands deactivated. It is time Vodafone stops sending out these false assurances that their teams would look into the matter ! It is obvious that Vodafone has done nothing to investigate the matter ! Customers are tired of their copying and pasting the same message to everyone ! Action speaks louder than words ! No action from Vodafone's side or my number would have been restored by now !


Thursday, October 29, 2015

Vodafone demonstrates lack of concern for customers' complaints / No regard for customers !

Vodafone is not true to it's own word leave alone customers! They are ignoring the complaints leave alone find mutually suitable resolutions. Every day they have given false assurances to all the customers who are interacting with me  as well as me that they would look into the matter but they have not ! They are all the time finding excuses to avoid addressing the complaints and deviate from the matter. Each day their delaying addressing complaints is costing inconvenience each minute to the customers. People's work and personal lives are getting affected by it. I regret the day I chose Vodafone and many share the same sentiment.

Vodafone is now bullying many customers the same way by threatening to deactivate numbers if they show resistance to their harassment and demand for an investigation of their complaints ! They are specially targeting the ones who are signing this petition.

I am going to pursue this as long as it takes and whatever it takes ! I am going to pursue this as far as it goes ! They may have got their way thrice but not now as I have given them enough chances to investigate the matter before I started my petition ! 

Other Vodafone customers are also coming forward to stand with me every day as they too have reached the edge of harassment by Vodafone ! Now many Vodafone customers are demanding fair resolutions to their complaints as seen on their social media page. Customers are becoming stronger than before ! But Vodafone refuses to take them seriously even now and is not ready to meet them even half way. Instead they are busy deactivating numbers of all the customers who are planning to port their numbers elsewhere ! Either way they will lose customers forever at this rate ! They are losing their long time customers to Airtel because of their rigidity and harshness towards the customers . There are other issues too like barring of calls without really looking into the complaint, network coverage, overcharging of bills and activating services against the wishes of customers.

This message goes out for all telecommunication companies and most of all Vodafone - Do not take customers for granted ! When customers unite you will have to address their concerns sooner or later...

Vodafone has to be answerable to it's customers ! High time !

Vodafone has to be answerable to it's customers !

This petition is sure making a difference to other customers if not me as can be seen on the Vodafone social media pages. At least it is uniting customers ! Customers will not allow themselves and others to be harassed anymore by Vodafone or other telecommunication companies.

Now Vodafone is left with no choice but to be responsive and responsible regarding customers' complaints. But Vodafone even now is not addressing the complaints the way they should ! Only false promises are given to customers that they are looking into our concerns but it is clearly visible that they are not really working in that direction. Only words and no action ! So many complaints including mine against them lie unsolved. My number remains deactivated for the 11th day and because of that I cannot even port my number elsewhere. The last time they did this back in June, I had to encounter more problems even after the activation of my number as with it they even activated all those services and packs that I did not even subscribe to. So I had to address that as well with them. Since June till date there have been a series of problems with them. Often Vodafone charges you for packs that you have not activated on your phone. And when the customers react, they cover up the facts by either deactivating the numbers or altering the facts. On top of that their representatives have the audacity to blame the customers instead and shout at the customers ! Their staff at 199 really need to be sacked !

 Vodafone's indifference towards customers,ignoring their complaints and the accumulation of unsolved complaints as a result of their careless actions is coming to haunt them ! Now we want answers and fair resolutions !

Other Vodafone customers have started signing this petition and I sincerely appreciate that ! Thanks so much ! Please spread the word around so that we can get more names added here...Nobody should get away by harassing us specially when we are paying them for their services ! We expect value for our hard earned money !


Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Vodafone's Delayed Responses & Actions towards Customers' Complaints

Vodafone's Delayed Responses & Actions towards Customers' Complaints !

Got a message on Vodafone social media page that they will look into it and then update me....Let's see...
Another day is about to end with Vodafone  stuck on it's rigid stand of not restoring my number. Another day is about to end with Vodafone delaying a proper investigation to fix responsibility on their representatives who caused me this great inconvenience and mental harassment. They still want more time to look into the matter. What were they doing till now ?
It should have been their first priority to look into this matter ages back and specially now when it has reached such a high level of escalation.

Vodafone's actions and responses towards customers' complaints are always very delayed. Vodafone had ruined many customers' festive season by deactivating their numbers without a thought and then not acting promptly to undo the damage ! This past long weekend was Dusherra and people were travelling and without a thought Vodafone deactivated so many numbers because of rash decisions and system upgrade as evident from complaints and made people lose total connectivity with others. Vodafone has always caused a lot of inconvenience to Indian customers during festivals.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Vodafone does not connect people ! Vodafone disconnects people !


Vodafone as a reputed telecommunications should be known for connecting people but they disconnect people from each other by blocking calls unnecessarily through the faults of their technology and rigidity towards customers. Vodafone disconnects it's long standing customers through their harsh and insensitive treatment. A telecommunication company should be great at communication ! But as a telecommunication company they are continuously failing in communicating with customers specially because Vodafone is demonstrating lack of empathy and understanding in management of customers.

Vodafone's Harassment continues- The Tenth Day !

My phone number still stands deactivated and Vodafone has not restored my number or tried to address the matter. The Right to an Investigation has been denied to me by Appellate and Nodal. If nothing else this petition is at least making a difference to other customers who have been interacting with them on FB pages. Vodafone is now forced to listen to their complaints because of my blog informing each other about their rights. So all of you are making a difference somewhere by signing this petition ! I may or may not benefit but others will...
I thank All who are supporting this petition. Please spread the word around.
Vodafone is not at all fair to it's long time customers like me who has been associating with them since 2009. You can imagine how they must be treating their new customers. They do not even believe in apologising even once for the carelessness of their staff. So think twice before associating with them ! Vodafone can make your life unhappy !

Unhappy Vodafone Customers stand united against Vodafone as evident from their social media pages

Many Unhappy Vodafone Customers are interacting with me on their social media page and have agreed to collectively take a stand against the pathetic services of Vodafone India ! So many are facing overcharging of bills and deactivation of numbers because of Vodafone's upgrade in technology and harassment even after submitting documents. I am glad to know that so many people are coming forward to stand up for themselves and others against Vodafone ! We are ONE as consumers. It is about time that companies do not take Indian consumers for granted ! If nothing else it is important to inform the world about the dishonest business tones of Vodafone India.

We have a Right to be Heard ! Your greeting " Happy to Help" is not going to work anymore till you really mean it !

Consumer Rights Consumer Might !

Vodafone very unresponsive on the matter !

My numbers stands deactivated by Vodafone for the ninth day and still they are not at all concerned in addressing my complaint and restoring my number immediately which had been blocked because of the carelessness of their various teams. This is endless inconvenience ! 
Vodafone has been harassing me since June 2015 when they had barred my calls for over a week without so much as verifying the fact that their representative Abhishek had already verified my documents at the Sector 18 Noida Vodafone Store ( next to Millenium supermarket) . 
It is unfortunate that nobody has done anything concerning this matter and so many customers like me are facing this problem around the same time.
Vodafone needs to be sued ! Maybe then they will stop treating customers like this ! 

Monday, October 26, 2015

Vodafone can be sued for financial breach of promise and harassment till date

As mentioned earlier, the Vodafone World Calling Cards that I had purchased just sometime back(Rs. 550 each) are about to expire by early next month but I cannot utilise them as Vodafone has deactivated my number for over a week now. So I decided to pass on those cards to other family members who could use them. But to our disappointment, we discovered that the new calling card is not working.
The blocking of any unused Vodafone World Calling Card has no connection with deactivation of my number as these are prepaid unused cards.This amounts to a criminal act involving financial breach of trust for which you can be legally sued.

That just goes to show that Vodafone has recently started selling World calling cards that are not working and usable.When we called customer service from my mother's number , Vishwajeet informed us that he is not able to assist us in the matter because he has no information on the product. Vodafone does not even have enough information about it's own products leave alone the capability to assist customers in any way.

Vodafone's continued stance on all my complaints to date and reluctance to respond in writing through emails strongly indicates that  they are intent on my victimisation and abuse of consumer rights.


Vodafone as indifferent as ever !

 Instead of resolving the matter and getting to the root of the problem, Vodafone remains as adamant as ever in it's refusal to restore my deactivated number, send out an apology letter and order an investigation. 
I could post so many evidences of their lack of sensitivity towards complaints of customers. Anyone who has gone through similar experiences with Vodafone or who support my thoughts on standing up against harassment of customers must come forward now as that will make a huge difference to this petition being heard.
I appreciate all those who have taken the time to sign my petition as each person counts and each signature on this petition will definitely change the way Vodafone treats it's customers because in time they will be coerced into investigating as to how their representatives harass customers everywhere. Victory may be mine or not but I will be contented with the fact that I stood up for myself and others against Vodafone's mental harassment ! I'll feel happy that at least I tried. As it is battles are not won in one day and I am willing to devote as long as it takes to this cause...

Vodafone's Dictatorial Attitude

 Earlier on in June this year when Vodafone barred my incoming and outgoing calls based on the false feedback of their teams, I could at least access my Vodafone account but they have blocked my account as well this time due to the deactivation of my number. Would they have done the same in any other country where customers can sue them in an instant ? In any other country a customer would have been entitled to a complete investigation before Vodafone could take away the number. 
Why is Vodafone treating Indian customers differently ? In the worst cases of complaint too Reliance Communications has never done anything of the sort ! Then why is a foreign company like Vodafone getting away by treating customers this way all the time !? It is time they are held accountable for all their unethical business methods here.
They do not even easily allow customers to port the number to Airtel as it seems Airtel is beating them even in U.K now by giving good services and better rates to NRIs to call back home.
Vodafone seems to be threatened by Airtel's global presence and that is why it does not want to lose customers to Airtel. Reliance is doing quite well with NRIs in the States. More and more people are going with either Airtel or Reliance. At this rate Vodafone's presence in India as well as other countries will rapidly diminish and that too specially because of it's unscrupulous activities . 
We in our own country are letting foreign companies get away by treating the customers any way they want. Boundaries have to be established so that Vodafone does not harass and intimidate Indian customers all the way ! Any time any customers want to escalate a complaint, Vodafone threatens to disconnect their numbers. Why should Indian customers be subjected to such dictatorial attitudes of such foreign companies specially in our home country ? 
Vodafone should not be allowed to operate in this country if it cannot respect the customers here and continues to abuse consumer rights !

Vodafone's action costing me greatly !

Vodafone's delay in restoring my number has costed me greatly in my personal and work life as my life has in a way got paralysed and I am not able to receive calls of specially work related people due to the deactivation of the number. 

My business card carries this number and people are not able to access me directly for assignments. As a free lance Japanese Culture & Language Consultant my work relies on my everyday interactions with people regarding upcoming global assignments. I expect Vodafone to compensate me for letting my work life get affected through it's stubbornness to have barred my calls twice for more than a week in the last three months and deactivating my number recently. 

Addressing this case at all times to get my number restored is also taking me away from my work. As they say Time is Money but my time is being wasted by Vodafone for a very long time now ! As it is the international calling cards I had purchased from them are also getting wasted as I cannot use them on any other phone. Had they addressed this case on time or had let me port my number to Airtel then all this inconvenience would not have occurred.

Vodafone's rash action is costing me greatly ! They had no right to deactivate my number !

Vodafone delaying addressing this case everyday !

Vodafone India's social media team responded to my message that I had sent them on the 15th of Oct. 2015. It took them that long ! And now they want more details about the case and I had to remind them that I have already given them far too many details regarding my complaint in the past three months and specially since the 15th of Oct. They seem to be buying more time to address my complaint appropriately.
Suddenly they want me to fill out a survey form which I found odd because if they were really paying attention they would have seen that I have already written so many reviews about Vodafone on their pages as well as my blog in the last few months. My question was that " Is this the time to take a survey after so much of escalation of my complaint worldwide ! This is the time for action and investigation ! "
The matter has gone so beyond escalation that now I need answers and prompt action in the direction of my expectations from Vodafone. I have suffered immensely and seek justice in the matter ! And Vodafone could pave the way in that direction by first activating my number to start with ! But had they been fair, they would not have even disconnected my number in the first place.
They also wrote that their team would connect with me on the phone. And I reminded them again as always that time and again I have been insisting that I would want a written interaction with them now regarding the case so that everything is on record. 
I just hope Vodafone India has notified a more professional and impartial team this time as the team who has been handing my case all this while just complicated matters and spoilt our interaction through their harassment and lack of understanding. The matter has gone so beyond escalation that now I need answers and prompt action in the direction of my expectations from Vodafone. So much of time, energy and peace of mind has been lost in dealing with their unfairness in deactivating my number

Vodafone India will just end up tarnishing image of Vodafone Worldwide

27 Oct 2015 — Still more talks and no action ! My number has not been activated and the delay in addressing my complaint effectively for so long reflects just their inability to resolve sensitive cases. Vodafone India is still relying on it's junior representatives team to handle the case when actually seniors should be intervening and taking prompt actions to make up for the damage caused to the customer by their inexperienced teams. Vodafone India should realise the seriousness of the case considering that I have filed a petition and will continue fighting this case for others and myself who are experiencing such harassment at the hands of Vodafone. Accordingly a more experienced and professional team should have been assigned to this case to deal with this matter and as a gesture towards co-operation with me they should have restored my number to start with.

Vodafone avoiding investigation of matter...

 Just received a message this evening from them on their social media page asking me to complete a survey form. Instead of addressing the escalated complaint , they are asking me to fill up survey forms. They are just deviating from the matter! 
I have already given a lot of feedback on my unpleasant interactions with them and written so many reviews. What else is required for something to be done ?

Vodafone's bad attitude damages their image & results in more loss of customers

Vodafone's harsh and unfair attitude towards it's customers and it's careless way of handling customers' complaint is only resulting in bad advertisement for them because they are only getting negative feedback from their customers. 

Customers are in a way live advertisements and their discontent can really ruin Vodafone's reputation. 
Vodafone has now acquired the reputation of losing customers than gaining customers. They do not realise that each customer is important to their business.

 By slamming the door on customers all the time, they would only have loss of business and loss of good reputation. Unhappy customers would always go away.

It is very easy to lose customers but winning customers and that too the customers you are going to lose is even more difficult ! But Vodafone only knows how to lose customers specially because they do not believe in accepting their faults and apologising for it. Vodafone does not even know the art of winning back customers they have lost !

One has to act at the right moment or you lose that moment forever ! Vodafone has lost that moment with me as a customer when there was still time to apologise to me in writing and prevent the barring of my calls by owning up their fault. Now I want them to make up for all those times they harassed me and spoilt my festive season in the process !

Vodafone's Dishonest Business Tones

Sunday, October 25, 2015

The deficiencies of Vodafone cost the customers endless inconvenience

 One for All and All for one in their lies...It is clearly visible that is what Vodafone stands for ! The last three months I have been caught in the web of their lies. And every time I tried to disentangle myself to reach out for the next level of complaint channel to get justice, they would again weave a web of lies regarding my case. I have suffered immensely health wise too because of the mental torture they subjected me to through their representatives like Sunil and Sunder on the phone at 199 & Nodal number who were extremely aggressive and rude. They continuously harassed me through their lies, accusations and hostile attitude. This is supposed to be business but they made it personal ! Instead of addressing the case with a calm and professional attitude, they for some reason of their own made it their personal agenda to prevent me from getting the case investigated. Most of their male representatives always talked to me in a raised voice when discussing this case !

When I even complained to the shift supervisor Naresh, he declined to register a complaint for quite some time till I coerced him to do so by reminding him of my rights. Basically he was more interested in finding out as to what all I have gathered in terms of evidence relating to this case and I told him that he would get to know that soon enough when the matter goes to Consumer's Court. Such is the behaviour of Vodafone Representatives !

An investigation can never be one sided ! But Nodal based their resolution only on the false feedback given by their team. That just goes to show that all cover up for each other and going to these so called different levels of complaint is just a sheer waste of time ! At all levels they deviated from the matter and refused to address my complaint ! They only kept passing unfair judgements. Nodal is supposed to resolve conflicts impartially by listening to both sides but they did not do that as Nodal team was more interested in passing judgement based on their opinions. They did not even want to consider the facts.

The fact is that I have been wronged here because my account was suspended by the carelessness of the Backend team and the wrong feedback of the Vodafone specialised care team and Vodafone shop even after my documents were verified by their staff. At the time of visit to the store, I had even requested them to keep our attested documents and photographs but they returned it saying that they do not need it as our address has not changed in all these years. I kept requesting the representative to give me a reference number or receipt so that it could be confirmed later that I had got my documents verified at the store again but he refused. He assured me that my calls would not be barred but soon after that my calls were barred for a week ! It is very disappointing to see that they go back on their word everytime.

The question is not so much about submitting the documents again and again. The question is why were my calls blocked when my documents had been verified ? Vodafone's lack of professionalism, lack of efficiency and lack of co-ordination between departments is the key factor in complicating this matter. And because of the deficiencies in Vodafone's way of working, I as a customer have suffered and my number still remains deactivated for over a week now. I have been caused endless inconvenience by Vodafone's lies and carelessness.


I believe in standing up for my Rights and felt the importance of informing the world about Vodafone's dishonest business tones in India.

And I am truly grateful to all who are supporting my petition because WE as " ONE" can make a difference and bring about the much needed change in the way companies view customers.

Earlier on the 20th of June 2015  I had reported this matter to the Ministry of Consumer Rights but till date nothing was ever done in that direction !

Let's become ONE in defending our Rights as consumers or customers so that companies cannot take us for granted and get away with endless harassment. It is time that importance is given to Consumer Rights in India as well !

Only words and no action !

Only words and no action ! Vodafone only believes in discussions and not action. On their social media page Vodafone says that they do not want me to have such an unpleasant experience with them . But that unpleasant experience with them has already occurred and is still an ongoing process and they are doing nothing to change that ! They only offer words and fake assurances but no action is being taken to rectify their mistake. This has already happened far too many times ! 

What happened cannot be changed but Vodafone can definitely change their attitude towards this case and all it's customers. There has already been so much of discussion on this matter since June and now I expect action !

 The time has come for action and for Vodafone to fix responsibility on the people concerned. It is high time that conflict resolving authorities like the Nodal and Appellate Authority act responsibly for a change !

 The time has come for Vodafone to give importance to the customer and demonstrate it through actions by first restoring my services and then sending an apology letter right away. And then only will I  submit my documents again but on the condition that  Vodafone investigates the matter thereafter so that there is no repetition of such carelessness with any customers or me in the future. And I would need a reference number for that investigation so that I could keep a track about the progress of that investigation.

 Now this is not only my matter, it is the matter of all their customers in the same situation as mine ! Vodafone should investigate why it's stores are not registering or updating the customers' information regarding verification of their documents on visits to their various stores.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Vodafone does not ever give importance to customer services

A business thrives on it's relations with customers as each feedback of the customer is very important in making that company acquire a trustworthy reputation. Good customer relations requires the company to ingrain courtesy, sensitivity, flexibility and professionalism in it's staff in their dealings with customers. Good customer service also includes effective response to complaints and queries. But Vodafone neglects that all the time. Their lack of sensitivity and lack of providing an effective resolution has led me to escalate the matter on this platform. They are not attending to this case the way they should considering how far this complaint has been escalated. 

They are letting their unprofessional juniors handle this case and that is why there seems to be no breakthrough. As it is their staff is so rigid that they never want to hear anything or discuss a way out to resolve the problem by meeting the customer half way if not all the way. Vodafone staff needs training in customer relations as they lack the skills to initiate a pleasant interaction with the customers. Till date the Specialised Customer Services team and Nodal just seem to be adopting the same approach every time instead of a more flexible approach that could lead to solving this case. Instead of making up for the mistakes, they are continuously blaming the customer all the time and thus alienating the customer further. Instead of focussing on resolving the problem, the Nodal and Appellate have concentrated more on closing the matter immediately by blaming the customer to save their staff. If Vodafone believed in customer relations, it would have handled my complaint differently.

Vodafone as always fails in complaint management and satisfying customers

It seems that Vodafone is not at all interested in meeting the needs of customers or address customers' complaints promptly. Back in June this year the investigation was left incomplete and that is what I had requested in addition to an apology for barring my calls in return for my co-operation to submit the documents I had already submitted. And now from the 15th of October I have been telling them repeatedly through mails and calls that I had already submitted my documents this year and they should confirm that and find out why their representatives did not update that information. But instead of co-operating with me on the matter, from the beginning they took a rigid stand by not even willing to investigate the matter or offer a written apology for the carelessness of their staff. If that was not enough, they even went ahead and barred my calls from the 19th of Oct. and then suddenly deactivated my number on the 21st .

Vodafone leaves no room for negotiation with customers to come up with a mutually suitable resolution to resolve the complaint.

Vodafone takes a very long time to even address any complaints seriously and never really follows up on the complaints promptly. It just chooses to let complaints accumulate and does not bother to deal with it the way it should. Perhaps Vodafone thinks that customers will get so tired and worn out by the delays in fair resolutions of complaints that the customer would just give in but every customer is not the same.

Vodafone's unprofessional business tactics and inefficiency has costed me a lot of inconvenience and that is why this careless attitude of theirs is not at all acceptable ! As it is because of the barring of my calls, I am not only encountering inconvenience in my personal and professional life but also loss of money because now the Vodafone World Calling cards that I had bought would be wasted.

Also in my entire time in business interactions with companies here as well as abroad, I have never encountered such endless harassment and rudeness and so it cannot be easily forgotten. I have been dealing with Vodafone for years but this time they have really gone too far in being abnormally aggressive and hostile with the customer and this is just very bad customer service ! I don't understand why they treat customers so harshly and allow complaints to go a long way of escalation. Vodafone needs a wholesale cleansing of their customer service to save their reputation from getting ruined and to meet the needs of the customers.Somehow they are just not able to satisfy numerous customers through their worst customer service and unprofessional way of managing complaints.

Vodafone is not even sensitive enlighten to honour simple requests or preferences of customers while dealing with them in addressing the complaints. Just yesterday I requested them on their social media page to interact with me in writing concerning this complaint instead of calling my alternative number so that everything is on the record. But they did not even agree to that as it seems they do not want to leave any trace of their acknowledgement of their faults in writing.  I had told them that I will  not entertain any calls from Vodafone on my alternative number after the way their staff has been continuously harassing me mentally and verbally on the phone . I had also requested them to first restore my number and have Sunder, Sunil and the Nodal team apologise to me for not doing their job correctly and then  I could agree to talk to Vodafone staff on Vodafone number regarding my co-operation for the second time on this matter. But I did not get any response whatsoever in written on that.

 Vodafone believes only in verbal communication and verbal acknowledgements while handling complaints so that they cannot be held responsible for anything later. But based on feedbacks of customers on various sites and my personal experience, Vodafone's word can never be trusted ! That is why I have suffered so much in my dealings with Vodafone as I always believed their fake assurances that my calls will not be barred even when I visited the shop with documents for our numbers. Perhaps their refusal to give me a reference number for our interaction then and later on the phone regarding complaint of harassment was just their way of having a power to change their statement any time and summon the customer specially a lady any time at the store. But they forget that we as customers cannot be fooled every time and we also know how to maintain evidence of our interaction with them. But customers do be careful ! Please record each and every interaction with them so that they do not get away with their lies and harassment.

 As it is they never deliver the services they promise. Vodafone never honours it's promises to the customers. Vodafone does not stand true to it's motto " Happy to Help". It is very unpleasant being a Vodafone customer !

Friday, October 23, 2015

Constant efforts to resolve the matter amicably rebuffed by Vodafone time and again !

My constant efforts and pleas to resolve the matter amicably and objectively were rebuffed at all levels of Vodafone by brazen, crudeness and rudeness in order to browbeat me. 

All this was being done by them to camouflage the illegal actions taken in transferring my number to a third party. Whatever Nodal may say today that they have not given away the number as yet, the fact is that Mr. Sunil threatened to transfer my number to a third party on the 21st of Oct. From June till date I have had to endure constant mental harassment by Vodafone which in turn spoilt many auspicious events and Dusherra recently. As evident by the feedbacks of so many customers, I am not the only ONE...Vodafone has troubled many in the past and now specially on the 21st and 22nd of October 2015 by deactivating their numbers without warning and without investigation.

I am extremely disappointed with the Nodal response as they too like their various teams are trying to weigh me down so that I give up my complaint and an investigation does not take place. 

There has been immense loss of peace of mind, time, money and energy in pursuing this case with them. Because of their rash action of barring my calls and later deactivating my number, my professional and personal life has been affected.

Vodafone's brazen display of arbitrariness

 Mahatama Gandhi said " I may be the most despicable person but when truth speaks through me I am invincible". Vodafone fails to realise that in time the truth about their lies shall emerge and they cannot keep intimidating me like this by threatening to keep my number deactivated for long and finally transferring it to someone else.

Vodafone in a brazen display of arbitrariness and selective unilaterialism deactivated my number just to victimise me for insisting on truth and integrity in Vodafone's interaction with it's customers. 

The Indian government has to restrain Vodafone from it's imperialism in India.

Vodafone till date is still refusing to accept the fact that I had already submitted documents ( ID & Address proof) on the 3rd of June 2015 but their staff at Noida Vodafone shop did not do their job rightly and update that information in my account which caused barring of my calls twice. 

Instead of investigating the matter thoroughly or have their staff apologise to me in writing for all the inconvenience caused, the Nodal team from the beginning has not even tried to resolve the matter or addressed my complaint properly. In the last call from them, Mr. Sunil did not talk to me in an appropriate manner as he was very hostile in his attitude towards me in this entire case. He kept talking in a raised voice. It is clearly obvious that I would not be getting a fair resolution from Vodafone. But I will continue to fight this battle with Vodafone.

I once again am not satisfied with their resolution as I have lost faith in their ability to resolve customer complaints. So I will be escalating the matter further and as far as it can go. This is totally unacceptable that the Nodal Office is letting Vodafone representatives get away with continuous harassment of a customer. Their uncouth employees do not even know how to talk to a customer leave alone a lady. It is also very unfortunate that the Nodal team is aiding the customer service team and Noida Vodafone shop to cover up their lies and supporting them in deactivating my number impulsively without even letting an investigation take place.

This was my last attempt to give them a final chance for the third or fourt time to resolve this issue at their level but as usual Nodal has failed me badly and let me down as a customer who had repeatedly turned to them hoping that their office would order an investigation of the matter and pass a fair judgement. As I had stated earlier on first Vodafone should do their job and fix responsibility on the people concerned by investigating and asking them to apologise in writing and restore my services, and then I shall submit my documents again for the second time. They have to be accountable for treating me this way !

I request all to stand by me as your support will make all the difference.


Alone you can stand up for your rights but with people behind you and with you , there will be more force in it and consumers and customers will not be taken for granted !

Vodafone has to be shown that we as customers know our rights and know how to protect our rights. We have to be "ONE" as consumers to be heard ! Vodafone cannot get away by harassing customers continuously and not taking action against it's representatives for intimidating customers. We have a Right to Apology from them and a Right to Investigation ! Vodafone has no right to deactivate numbers or block calls before an investigation could take place or just when they realise that we are going to take our numbers elsewhere through mobile phone portability.

Please support my petition ONE on this link-

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Vodafone's Dishonest Business Tones

Vodafone is dishonest in it's dealings with customers. Over the time there have been lots of instances when they have overcharged customers or forced them to pay for services they have not subscribed to.  Vodafone's customer service is misleading and deceptive.  Vodafone often charges customers for services that they have not activated even after assurances that they won't.

Their customer service representatives as well as the Nodal office mislead customers in believing that their complaints will be addressed. But the complaints are actually never addressed at all or the investigations regarding complaints are left incomplete and unresolved.

Every time Vodafone innovates & upgrades it's technology in India, the customers have to suffer as Vodafone simply can't handle the up-gradation smoothly which results in disrupting the services of the numbers of most of their customers but Vodafone masks it's inability to handle upgradation successfully by blaming it on their customers.

Vodafone harasses customers even after the customers submit updated documents regularly on their demand. Instead of questioning their staff who do not update information of a customer even after verification of documents, they impulsively disrupt the services and deactivate the numbers of customers when customers request for a proper investigation or a written apology for the inconvenience and harassment caused. This has happened in my case and so many others.

In my case my number was deactivated because I insisted on an inquiry to take place regarding the inconvenience and stress caused to me by their Customer Care Team and Noida Vodafone shop. The other alternative I had given them was an apology letter to be sent to me for harassing me beyond comprehension even after my co-operation in submitting updated documents in June 2015. I was even willing to co-.operate again but on the condition that an investigation takes place to know why their staff did not update the information on my account after they had verified my documents on the 3rd of June 2015 which resulted in barring of my calls twice and eventually deactivation of my number. I asked them to restore my services and apologise to me to seek my co-operation in submitting documents for the second time but they refused to apologise or investigate ! Further they did not even let me take my number to another company through mobile number portability.

They are too rigid to accept their mistakes and take responsibility for their careless actions. Their staff and customer service representatives are so rude and insensitive. Vodafone as indifferent as it is in it's approach towards customers even allows it's representatives to threaten and harass customers continuously to cover up their lies. As it is in recent times Vodafone Nodal and Appellate seem to be incapable of resolving conflicts fairly and effectively as they blindly support their teams.

I had a Right to Investigation of my matter but Vodafone denied me and others that ! I feel it is very important to address our Rights and that too collectively as customers against Vodafone if that is going to make them listen and not take Indian customers for granted !

 It is absolutely important that we as customers stand up for our rights as customers when our rights are being abused by companies like Vodafone. We must find a way to protect the rights of customers who are wronged  ! Responsibility has to be fixed on them for not doing their job properly or this would be very unfair to any customer dealing with their unpleasantness. The time has arrived that we as customers stand united against such injustice !

United we stand in getting value for our hard earned money...United we stand in ensuring we get good customer service specially in return for our co-operation !

We have a right to be heard irrespective of whether we win or not ! There is One Right for All and None should be discriminated. One has the Right to question and a Right to information. With growing middle class touch 400 million and growing consumerism, Indian and Foreign Companies here need to become responsive to Consumer complaints and grievances. Ignoring such complaints could lead to big financial losses for the company on consumer complaints being upheld by Consumer Courts.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Think twice b4 getting a new Vodafone connection !

Think twice before getting a new connection with Vodafone India. Read the reviews-


Basically there are more complaints and bad reviews regarding their atrocious customer service, overcharging and barring of calls. In my case my number was deactivated because I insisted on an inquiry to take place regarding the inconvenience and stress caused to me by their Customer Care Team and Noida Vodafone shop. The other alternative I had given them was an apology letter to be sent to me for harassing me beyond comprehension even after my co-operation in submitting updated documents in June 2015. I was even willing to co-.operate again but on the condition that an investigation takes place to know why their staff did not update the information on my account that they had verified my documents on the 3rd of June 2015 which resulted in barring of my calls twice and deactivation of my number. I asked them to restore my services and apologise to seek my co-operation in submitting documents for the second time but they refused to apologise or investigate ! Further they did not even let me take my number to Airtel through mobile number portability.

Vodafone plays dirty by deactivating my number before an investigation could take place and they would have to apologise in written !

Any customers who would like to stand up for their rights against Vodafone...please contact me. We have to find a way for our Rights to be protected. I will exhaust all my contacts to find all avenues where we as customers could be helped. Thanks to Vodafone's bullying now I am more determined than ever to find ways to stand up against them and all who abuse our Rights ! 

I had a Right to Investigation of my matter but Vodafone denied me and others that ! Vodafone deactivated my number before an inquiry could take place and before I could port my number...

Vodafone deactivated my number to prevent me from taking my number to another company through mobile number portability

Vodafone is going to be nailed for threatening me and harassing me through their   uncouth employees like Sunil ( 01171272522), Sunder at 199 and the Noida Vodafone Store Manager Sector-18 next to Millenium shop. They have been shouting at me and threatening to deactivate my number just because I requested for a proper investigation to take place to prove that I submitted documents. Sunil told me that he would be giving my number to someone else. They were not ready to send an apology letter too. They have deactivated my number.
Vodafone has spoilt my Navratri and my mother's birthday party by disturbing me beyond comprehension. Now all the more I will not spare Vodafone. Sooner or later they will pay for their lies.How can they hire such uncouth people ? Why can't their seniors order an investigation ? Just before I could port my number, they deactivated my number and that is just not allowed specially when I have paid my bill. They had no right to stop me from taking my number to another company. I will pursue this matter further !

Gang Warfare of Vodafone continues ! Vodafone should not be allowed to operate in India !

I am being threatened by their Manager Sunil that they will now give away my number to someone else. I had submitted my documents but still my calls were barred and now they are bullying me continuously.Basically they want women to keep visiting their shop over and over again and that is why they refused to keep the documents even when I visited the store with updated documents so that they could instruct me to keep visiting the store many times. They refuse to apologise in writing and refuse to carry out an investigation ! Nodal and Appellate are useless as they are letting their uneducated and cheap staff bother customers specially lady customers. 

 I have the right to take this number to another company through mobile portability specially when I have cleared all my dues. Vodafone may block my calls but they have no right to take away this number to cover the mistakes of Nodal and Noida shop. 

Monday, October 19, 2015

Vodafone- Your changes in technology is not good for customers always !

Change is always not Good !

I just remembered that the person at the Vodafone Store told me today that my calls may have been barred due to the updates on the server and I suddenly remembered that last time as well as his time there were some changes introduced in their system and I even wrote about it in my blog then. 

Every time Vodafone innovates & upgrades it's technology in India, the customers have to suffer as they can't handle the up-gradation smoothly which results in disrupting the services of the numbers of most of their customers but they mask their incapacity and inability to handle upgradation successfully by blaming it on their customers. That is why always before that they send a SMS to say that we need to submit the documents again or our calls will be disrupted. Why don't they simply admit that like always they will in fact end up disrupting our services at the time of up gradation ! 

They always send a mail informing about the up gradation of their technology just before the SMS in which they threaten to disrupt services on account of documents. I guess the SMS follows the email to prove that the calls were barred because of the customer ( even after submitting documents calls get barred for some time )  and not their mistake at the time of upgrading their technology. I just don't understand but there has to be some connection. I wonder what actually is the truth ! But what the store staff is saying may be correct. 

Vodafone- Vodacare number 199 team intimidating customers ! Their motto- Happy to make customers Unhappy !

It is such an unpleasant experience to even register a complaint at Vodacare's number 199 because they refuse to give you a reference number for it leave alone address it. Most times they even disconnect the calls or keep you waiting so long knowing well that you would be charged for it . What is most frustrating is that every time you have to explain your case from the beginning. There is lack of co-ordination between their various teams and they cover for each other all the time.

I had to talk for so long to convince the Shift Supervisor today to register my complaint against the person Sunder who harassed me tonight. It is my right to demand for a reference number against any complaint or query I put forward ! But he refused to accept that till the time I said that I would post this feedback on social media.

Their latest stance is that whatever may be Vodafone will not apologise and the supervisor wanted to know what evidence I possess to prove that I visited the store with updated documents. I refused to divulge that information completely. He also said that an investigation will not be carried out. Why not ?This is really some sort of gang warfare by them against customers. All this bullying is happening because of the encouragement of the Nodal team who did not do their job in June or now. So the other alternative left for them is to cause deep stress to the customer so that the customer crumbles and gives in. I am not going to be bullied or threatened ! I will stand up for my rights to prove that they are lying all the way.

The entire night I have spent calling them and reading reviews of their services. All customers are fed up of the bad attitude of the Vodafone Customer Service specially towards lady customers. Later I will be posting screenshots of some of the bad reviews. I wonder what kind of people they are hiring to deal with customers.

The supervisor at 199 told me that their customer service team and the Vodafone store said that I was not willing to submit my documents which is so untrue. Time and again I have said that I had already submitted updated documents in June 2015 and even after all the bullying, inconvenience and harassment caused by them,I was and am willing to submit those documents once again on the condition that Vodafone carries out a thorough investigation as to why false information was provided regarding my case or they send me a written apology letter accepting that it was their mistake that they did not update the information on their system that I had submitted the updated documents and they were verified but even then they barred my calls.

But it is clear to me from the mails and conversations that they are too rigid to accept their mistake. Their supervisor Naresh says that while they may agree that I visited the store with the documents but that information has not been updated by people concerned and so based on their evidence in a way they can imply that I did not submit documents which is so absurd ! It is like a Hotel Receptionist failing to find time to update Information of a guest check-in on the computer and later holding that as an alibi that the guest did not check-in at the hotel on that day just because the computer reflects that !

For God's sake Vodafone you think the above is excuse or proof enough to prove that I did not visit the store ! Like I said to the supervisor, if Vodafone Specialised care team and Nodal have made a mistake then they should gracefully accept their mistake instead of uttering a thousand lies to hide one lie. They have to take responsibility for their mistakes before expecting any co-operation from the customer. They have to admit that they reacted impulsively and disconnected my services without an investigation or getting to the root of the matter. Even after co-operating all the way so many years, I am getting this kind of treatment by Vodafone ! 

Viodafone has the worst customer service- Bad Attitude

These people at Vodafone have a very bad attitude ! They just don't know how to talk to customers and are very threatening ! One of their executives Sundar shouted at me tonight and kept saying that I am lying...when I have already submitted updated documents in June thus year. But he kept saying that I have not which is totally untrue. It is their staff who is not doing their job and updating information regarding our accounts. Even though the Vodafone store had confirmed that they had verified my documents, this man kept on disagreeing. They are bullies ! My calls have been barred for the second time in the last three months.
No point even trying to address issues with them as Vodafone Nodal and Appellate cannot be trusted to pass fair judgements. I just wonder how they are getting away by treating their customers in such a hostile manner ! It can be seen from their social media page that they are treating so many customers the same way and barring their calls without proper investigation. It is my right that the matter be investigated thoroughly ! And till then I can't even think of migrating to another company and taking this number with me there...

Vodafone bullies again !

Even after the Sector-18 Noida, India Vodafone shop's confirmation that I visited the store on June 3rd 2015 with updated documents and they had verified the documents, Vodafone Specialised Care team, Nodal and Appelate continue to attack me and have even barred my calls for the second time in the last three months.

 Vodafone has no right to treat Indian customers this way ! This is harassment and discrimination ! Vodafone would have been sued in another country for such treatment. Leave alone making up for the inconvenience and deep stress caused to me, they  refuse to even order the Specialised Vodafone Care Team to send me an apology letter for the false feedback they had given to the Nodal Office. As it is Vodafone Nodal and Appellate are incapable of resolving conflicts fairly and effectively as they blindly support their teams.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

HDFC's Delayed Response even when customers decide to compromise for the peace of mind despite inconvenience caused to them

Not withstanding HDFC Bank's reluctance to extend genuine regrets for the inconvenience and harassment caused to me because of unjustified reduction of the principal amounts of my FDs without my consent, I have in the spirit of not spoiling our long relationship compromised as suggested by them. But even then they are showing their indifference in delaying their final response. Every time they are asking me more time to give the final resolution. And if they continue the never ending delay to resolve the matter, I may actually change my mind.

 The last option offered by HDFC was - the Bank can credit the amount of TDS deducted and interest loss due to this in my Savings Account and the tax due till date shall be deducted thereafter. I told them that I can consider this option if HDFC could confirm in writing that without signing the form ( Customer Consent on TDS recovery from CASA.doc) , the Bank will ensure that the same problem will not occur again. After all how many customers have signed such a form ? As far as I know nobody from my circle has done that.

Never have the principal amount of my FDs been reduced like this to recover tax in the presence of sufficient funds in my account even when the threshold limit was crossed. Once again I would like to stress that it was the duty of HDFC Bank to inform me before doing so and if there was any change of policy then all the more the same should have been communicated through your website or mails to customers. But HDFC neglected the fact that communication must be sent to the customer.

I would like to stress again on the point that in the future too HDFC Bank has no right whatsoever to break the FDs of customers without their consent. I repeat the tax should be deducted from the account at the time of crediting the interest of the FD to the account.

Vodafone- Pathetic Customer Service !

I just posted again on Vodafone India FB page describing how utterly disappointed I am in their not following up on my case that was left incomplete in June 2015 only to surface again today. Let's see how they respond to this case on the same subject this time but from past experiences I doubt that they would resolve it once and for all.

Vodafone continues to show insensitivity and carelessness in dealing with customers. As it is the last case on the same subject lies unresolved as after that nobody from Vodafone's highest authority levels got in touch with me to follow up on my complaint. There was no follow up. There was no thorough investigation and judgement was given by them without verification. I have all the mails till now. They were supposed to be investigating the false feedback of their specialised care team but all they did was giving me fake assurances when actually from the beginning till the end they supported the lies of their teams and defended them all the way. This is a total let down ! 

Not only that but my request that their specialised care team apologise to me in writing for giving false feedback was also ignored. Not only is Vodafone incapable of delivering fair resolutions but Vodafone does not even believe in sincerely apologising to their customers in writing for the deep stress and harassment they cause to their customers. 

Vodafone does not ever take responsibility of their careless actions in recent years and they do not address or complete their cases. The grievances I had regarding this subject in June this year were not addressed effectively and the case was left incomplete because of which I am facing the same problem again.

Leave alone giving damages for all the loss of time, money and peace of mind they caused me, they were not even willing to apologise to me in writing or ensure that I would not be threatened like this again. As I have been repeating from June, I had already visited the Noida Sector 18 Vodafone store with the updated documents on June 3rd 2015 and the store staff also confirmed the same, but Vodafone Nodal and Appellate refused to believe that as they chose to be partial and loyal to their so called specialised care team who gave them false feedback. As I said earlier on, I have evidence to prove that I visited the store. And this time Vodafone is again provoking me to take this to Court. 

I expect justice to be served and for once Vodafone to take a fair stand and carry out a proper investigation so that it could be proved that their teams were lying. Now this is a matter of principles for me...and I am very serious about ensuring that  the truth is uncovered. Thereafter I want a written apology letter to be posted to me and then maybe Vodafone can expect co-operation of some kind from me. Till then I have warned them that if my phone services are interrupted again then this matter will be escalated further than where it went last time. Vodafone cannot be after me every three months to verify my identity with documents when I have already done so many times till June 2015 itself. This is pure harassment and discrimination !

VODAFONE ATTACKS AGAIN ! - Harassment continues even after submitting updated documents in June 2015

I have written again to Nodal as well as Appellate Authority directly today as the way their so called specialised Vodafone care team and customer services handled my case in June 2015 has made me lose faith in their customer services.

I am being harassed again on the same subject as I was harassed back in June. I had escalated the matter then till the Appellate and all of them did not even investigate the matter thoroughly  before giving a resolution. I was harassed beyond comprehension even after submitting updated documents for my connection on the 3rd of June 2015 at the Sector 18 Noida Vodafone office. Vodafone specialised care team gave false feedback to cover their carelessness.

I have evidence to prove my statement in the court of law. Back then I did not go to Court but this time I may have to.

Now once again Vodafone specialised  customer services team is threatening to disrupt my services when I have already submitted documents in June this year.

Vodafone has no right to continuously threaten me every three to four months. This is pure discrimination ! I have reminded them so many times already that I visited Vodafone Store in June 2015 with updated documents. But they just don't listen !
I will have to consider taking them to Court if they suspend my account again.

Vodafone First investigate the case on the same subject thoroughly and fix responsibility on your specialised care team for giving you wrong feedback to hide their carelessness and then only can we discuss my submitting the documents for the second time this year. FIRST DO YOUR JOB PROPERLY & then I shall co-operate again !

Thursday, October 1, 2015


Here is yet another complaint against HDFC's way of handling our FDs. I could really relate to it as our family has faced the same problem. This is absolutely not fair that Banks are allowed to play with the principal amount of our FDs in the name of deducting tax.
Please visit a very well written article on this on Money Life -


HDFC & other Banks should not be given the power to break the principal amount of FDs to recover taxes when there is sufficient balance in the account to deduct the tax from !

Are Banks allowed to break the principal amount of as many of your FDs to recover taxes in the presence of sufficient balance in the account even in the so-called breach of interest threshold limit ?

Does one have to sign the Customer Consent on TDS Recovery from CASA Form to protect the principal amount of your FDs from being broken by the Bank ?

Such questions as above are prevailing in the minds of many customers specially in the absence of any clear instructions of the RBI to the customers through their respective banks. The Banks have not informed the same to the customers through their websites or individual mails which is resulting in a lot of problems as the customer feels insecure about continuing having Fixed Deposits when RBI is allowing the banks to continuously break the principal amount of the customers without the authority or approval of the customers. Now one cannot even be sure if this is a new policy of the banks or the banks are simply implementing the rules of RBI. HDFC Bank's Taxation team is breaking a lot of FDs without the knowledge of the customers in the name of such a rule passed by RBI whereby the principal amount of FDs are being broken to recover taxes even in the presence of sufficient funds in the accounts. Now one wonders who is right here...

But something like this has never happened before...I am doing a research on that and conducting a survey as well on FB. Let's see what we come up with ! But whatever said and done FDs are supposed to be the most secure investments customers can have and they should not be easily broken without the consent of the customer !